Events We Attend


Battlefield scene at Pennsic -The Pennsic Wars

This event has run for nearly half a century and attracts upwards of 10,000 medieval recreationists for a multi week immersive gathering.  This is not a casual day-trip as admission is always full price and includes camping privaledges.  Pre-registration is strongly recommended to speed entry.  Held late July through early August.  Dark Victory Armory can be found on the corner of Bow Street & Great Middle Highway directly across from MidRealm Royal.

Battlefield scene illlustrating the field combat found at Pennsic.














 Birka logo - A Market Day at Birka 

The preeminent merchanting event in the East Kingdom has been running for a bit more than a quarter century and is held in mid to late January.   It is somewhat like a convention in that there is a large vendor area and it is held in an expo center in Manchester, NH.  This is a VERY busy event for us so see us early in the day if you'd like to have the best chance to have an in depth conversation.  We operate both Friday and Saturday.

LOTS of fighting at Birka!


Northern Regional War Camp

War is coming, so come to the Northern Region War Camp to prepare. There will be heavy list and youth fighting, fencing for youth and adults, archery (yes, it's back this year), thrown weapons (also returns this year), equestrian, torchlight tourney, A&S classes, merchants, and more! Be prepared to be thrilled with the new site for the event!