Medieval Padded Armor for List Combat or Costume
Dark Victory Armory is proud to present this superior Padded Coif for your consideration. Typically worn as a layer of protection underneath a helm, padded armor distributes the force of the blow across a wider area and over time. This does much to reduce the actual impact force that the fighter will feel and can reduce or eliminate the damage from a dangerous attack. It also provides protection from the routine rubbing of armor upon the body even when not actively engaged in combat. In many situations the protective qualities of the padded armor are sufficient to be worn without a hard layer on top. This can greatly aid speed.
Beyond it's superb functionality, it also makes and excellent presentation and makes for an extremely authentic medieval/renaissance appearance when worn exposed over period clothing.
We offer the following varieties
The Head Coif has Sturdy fabric ties are used to secure the coif upon the protected head.
- Colors: Heraldic Red, Black, and White - natural/ecru color.
This armor can be of great assistance in meeting many knowne world standards for authentic presentation and protection.